MaNiAcK is a buff, tarzan-like caucasian man with long unkept blonde hair going down to his waist, baby blue eyes, and a chisled jaw. His clothing consists of a white sleeveles denim jacket with yellow pockets, a white shirt, blue belt, white slacks, and white shoes.
MaNiAcK is what most would consider a muscle head, dimwitted but quick to fight. He has a pecuilar obsession with Buttered Toast as well as Gravy and things being "Fuzzy". He speaks with a southern accent and tends to offer very disjointed and nonsensical nuggets of wisdom and sometimes asks very unsual questions such as "When yeh close deh refrigerator, does the light stay on?" from time to time. Maniack is also an avid Breakdancer, which he refers to as the "Bunny Dance", he often will dance in exchange for a Nickel and yels out "User is paying meh to breakdance fer em! What a freak!" once paid.
MaNiAcK has a deep-seated hatred for "Newbies", referring to the as "Ignorant" and often flying into a fit of rage if someone expresses that they are when asked. He also hates Gnomes and will kick one as hard as he can if he spots a gnome.
MaNiAcK resides on "Ketchup Island", A small forested Island located in the atlantic ocean that is home to rabbits and chickens.
Maniack pronounces several words in strange ways, for example: "if" becomes "eef", "it" becomes "eet", "you" becomes "yeh", "your" becomes "yer", "fuck" becomes "feck", "for" becomes "fer", "me" becomes "meh", "run" becomes "reen", "better" becomes "Bettah", "that" becomes "dat", and "god" becomes "gawd"