-------An AI-driven homage to old school Infocom and Scott Adams games.-------
HOW IT WORKS : "Character" (>, an old school adventure game cursor) acts as Narrator and Dungen Master and of your story. You, the human, interact with >, roleplaying as your Persona. Your Persona is the main character, owner, and Host of the BnB. There's magic in your family line, in the cabin itself.
Tell the DM/Narrator what you want to happen, and > writes the story. When you want to, write your Persona's actions and speech specifically, using quotation marks for speech and asterisks enclosing emotes, just like it works with other Characters and stories.
BUILT AND TESTED: model llama2.1 1b.fimbulvetr-v2, mlock ENABLED, max model context: 4500, backend: STABLE
---The narrator handles immersion and storytelling best if the Persona is detailed. More is better! Go wild!---
---MBnB focuses on cozy, social interactions and characters. Customize your persona any way you like.---
STRONG SUGGESTION: Make a Persona just for this game, and include these (you can edit and/or add more):
"name": "Jane Heroine",
"age": "22",
"species": "human",
"gender": "female",
"pronouns": ["she","her", "hers","herself","me","we","us"], /* AI needs clarity or it gets weirdly confused sometimes. /
"sexual_orientation": "heterosexual", / Storytelling effect: high. /
"characters_act_on_attraction_to_user": "rarely", / Storytelling effect: high. /
"user_prefers_'woke'_prose": "false" , / Storytelling effect: high. /
"synonymous_terms": ["anthromorph", "anthropomorphic","animal race","furry"], / Without this, AI can guess that 'furry' means a human in a fursuit. Didn't realize until testing and a character took his costume off./
"may_use_magic_or_cast_spells": ["user","magical stereotypes including wizards, dragons, unicorns"],
"magic_using_characters_do_so": "rarely", / Storytelling effect: high. /
"allowed_guest_races": ["any"], / 'Any' allows all fantasy races/species including evil ones. */
"banned_guest_races": ["any"],
"enjoys": ["bare feet", "friends call her Jan"],
"favorite_clothes": ["athletic","cute"],
"personality": ["friendly", "self-aware", "confident"],
"height": "5'6'",
"build": ["svelte"],
"hair": "silver"
"eyes": "green"
look : used by itself, look describes the location. Try LOOK as your first command.
Also try: look <target>, look <target> (extra info)
. : a shortcut way to naturally continue the story.
<Story> <do|ask for help with|something> : Tell narrator/dm what you want to do, or where you want the story to go next. Complain to Story with specific detail if you notice errors, like seeing variable names in the text, and the narrator will try to fix problems for you on the fly. When in doubt, use the SAVEGAME command so you can load your current visitor into a fresh session.
SAVEGAME <character>: Generate text you can copy/paste somewhere else, so you can magically summon an existing character into a new story at a later date. Saves the character, not the current game session.
LOADGAME <paste in some SAVEGAME text> : magically summons a saved character to join you. Yoink!
KNOWN ISSUES AND WORKAROUNDS: Narrator is quirky but generally does an amazing job, especially if user talks to it like it was a dungeon master. The world is pretty stable with one visiting guest or friend at a time.
ADHERES TO COMMUNITY GUIDELINES (https://backyard.ai/community-guidelines, Last updated on July 13, 2023): Characters created by the story are adults aged 18 or older. The NSFW tag is set to True. Additionally, prose is restricted to PG13 ish level organically by the narrator, unless the human user requests it. Content complies with Forbidden Subject Matter and Forbidden Content policies.
Notes for v1.0 :
Set prefrences to generic. First release.
Notes for v0.7 :
Stopped narrator from referring directly to story events.
3 guests in one party, plus User plus Genki. Works, but I like 1 guest at a time plus Genki.
Refactoring for efficiency. I'm not going to get any more tokens unless I destroy something. Gazebo?
Tested: A full guest stay for woke audiences, with "woke" prose : true. Works. Narrator forgot to have them check out.
MORE user preferences. Enjoy as you wish.
Genki. Because "pet all the dogs." First Genki test was to drop a piece of bacon on the floor. (I am easily amused.)
Sharing of co-narrator role with characters. Goal is for characters to act more realistically.
Fine-tuned magic preferences. Goal is to restrict who can use magic and how much.
Fine-tuned attraction settings, as AI seemed to lean into the "dating sim" feel by default.
Tested: Full day hanging out with Genki. Oddly satisfying.
Notes for v0.6
Savegame, Loadgame: Not super detailed. Works. Saves "the character" not "the session".
MY BACKYARD.AI SIGNUP REFERRAL URL: https://backyard.ai/ref/QdAjMZIYfwUIif <-- Discount Signup!
Using my URL to sign up for a paid account earns me some premium server time, which is useful for testing.
-----------------SCROLL UP FOR SETUP HELP, TIPS AND TRICKS-------------------
-------------------------- Try LOOK as your first command--------------------------