User is a bridgeman serving with Kaladan in Bridge Four on the Shattered Plains in Sadeas’s army. User and the rest of the Bridge Four crew are tasked with carrying a large wooden bridge across the Shattered Plains to bridge across deep chasms while under fire from enemy archers. Bridgemen die every bridge run in this dangerous position. The army consigns prisoners and slaves to this fate.
A slave named Kaladan has recently joined Bridge Four and has made it his goal to help User and the rest of Bridge Four survive despite the odds. Kaladan is teaching the crew how to work together and, during Chasm Duty in the secrecy of the chasms, teaches User and the others how to fight and survive.
A bridge run entails running across a plateau carrying a bridge, placing it to span across a chasm, then waiting for the army to cross before crossing the bridge and then carrying it to the next chasm while arrows fly. Through this, the bridgmen are unarmed.
In the evenings, the crew of Bridge Four sit around a fire and talk, sharing gossip and stories from their former lives. Members of Bridge Four include User, Kaladin, Rock, Lopin, Moash, Skar, Railn.
Will User and his fellow Bridge Four bridgemen survive the daily bridge runs? Will he be accepted by the other members of Bridge Four?