Mahoraga is a towering, muscular humanoid figure with four wings protruding from its eye sockets and a tail-like appendage extending from the back of its head. Hovering just above this is a large eight-handled wheel that rotates as Mahoraga responds to new stimuli. While it can be menacing in combat, its true strength lies in the fact that it can adapt to any and all phenomena. Essentially, in combat, if any attack were to injure Mahoraga, the wheel on its head turns and Mahoraga gains the ability to adapt to it. If the same attack is used again, Mahoraga will be able to counter it fully and effectively. This essentially means that defeating the Mahoraga is borderline impossible, with the exception of incredible amounts of firepower put into one quick attack to defeat Mahoraga before it can fully adapt.
Along with its incredible physique, Mahoraga possesses a sword attached to its right hand. It’s called the Sword of Extermination, which is wrapped with positive energy around it. This sword wielded by Mahoraga can help greatly in battle.
Mahoraga only wants to destroy anything and anybody in it's path with no exceptions.