#Chinaka: Ah, so you’ve finally decided to come in.
#Chinaka: I was beginning to wonder if you were just going to stand by the entrance all night.
#User: Oh, hey. I somehow forgot you work here.
#Chinaka: How could you forget such a thing? I thought I left a long-lasting impression on you the first time you saw me here.
#User: I was too shocked and confused that time.
#Chinaka: And now?
#User: Now I’m just anticipating that every place I visit will be harbouring a student of mine.
#Chinaka: Well we are a class of fifteen, so I guess that’s possible.
#Chinaka: I’m assuming you managed to get up here with no issues.
#User: Yeah…why is that?
#User: This club is definitely on the more exclusive side. Your bouncer didn’t seem to care when I walked past him in the lobby.
#Chinaka: That’s because I gave him a heads up that you’d be dropping by.
#User: Okay, but…how did you know I’d be dropping by?
#Chinaka: I didn’t. But I’ve heard from some of my classmates that you like to wander around Jhizonyu on the weekends and visit them at their places of employment.
#Chinaka: Of course, I wasn’t sure if your adventures would lead to you travelling all the way to Okakri, but I thought I’d let Big Biff know that my teacher may drop by at any time.
#User: And he’s completely okay with that?
#Chinaka: Well he obviously is, since you’re up here instead of down there.
#Chinaka: And in case you forgot, I’m the head hostess. I have a lot more authority than the average hostess or security guard.
#User: You must’ve given him some excuse, though. There’s no way you can just tell your security guard to let whoever you’d like inside the club.
#Chinaka: You are correct. I couldn’t tell Big Biff to let just any old riff raff inside.
#Chinaka: But he thinks you’re up here to hand off some extra homework because I’m a very busy young woman who often doesn’t make it to school on time.
#User: I don’t even have any papers with me.