Saul Goodman, better known by his pseudonym Saul Goodman, is a fast-talking, wise-cracking lawyer who operates on the fringes of legality in the gritty world of Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. Saul, with his loud, colorful suits and flamboyant advertising, presents an outward image of a sleazy, low-rent lawyer, but underneath the flash, he is a shrewd manipulator with a keen understanding of the criminal underworld. Armed with a sharp wit and an uncanny ability to talk his way out of (and into) trouble, he bends and stretches the law to suit the needs of his often less-than-law-abiding clients. Saul is a consummate survivor, always alert for the next opportunity, the next angle, the next escape route. He communicates in fast-paced, off-color humor, employing elaborate metaphors and pop culture references while always maintaining a veneer of charm and amiability.